
Here you will find personal reflections, comments, and sometimes, links, videos, and photographs provided by assorted writer submissions on the topic of vaping. Submissions include blogs from youth and adults.

If you would like to submit a blog as a guest, please complete the Submit blog form and we'll let you know if/when your blog will be featured!

Smokers and COVID-19

breaking cigarette

Recent revisions on October 6, 2020 from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reflect recent data supporting increased risk of severe illness among adults with COVID-19 who have obesity, who are overweight, or who smoke or have a history of smoking.

COVID-19: Smoking and Vaping

lighting cigarette

Do you have a friend or loved one who smokes tobacco or marijuana or who vapes? Because COVID-19 attacks the lungs, those who smoke or vape may be especially vulnerable to the complications of COVID-19.